Secrets of Sorcery 0.04.5 public release.

Back into the swing of our regular update schedule. We see the effects of our beach trip on our class.


- New music.

- 100+ New images.

- 12 New events.

- 4 Asuka events.

- 4 Hana events.

- 4 Nari events.

- 1 repeatable event.

I would also like to announce that the Secrets of Sorcery Wiki/guide is up and running.

For anyone having trouble finding events please use the wiki. links to the wiki will be available in game as of version 0.05.0.

Find the wiki HERE.

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(2 edits)

Seen this over on F95

Changed a few things for a better experience.

You can review what I changed with

There's a bug in inaevents.rpy, if you choose "Custom." it doesn't save to ipetname but mcname. 

Bug in replays.rpy, string u'Me too [cname}!' ends with an open format operation.